
GA4 Bigquery Tips: Guide to Attribution

July 26, 2023

You may have noticed that the Google Analytics 4 UI is phasing out many of the previously available attribution models, and defaulting to data-driven attribution. Don’t panic. You can still continue using classic attribution models that you’ve known and loved or even create your own custom ones by utilizing the power of the GA4 BigQuery export feature.

Attribution modeling assigns credit to various marketing channels or touchpoints along the conversion path. In this article, we will discuss and implement some of the most frequently used rule-based attribution models using the GA4 BigQuery export.

Sample Session Table

Let’s start with a sample session table that we’ll use to demonstrate different attribution models and then use SQL on the GA4 BigQuery export to implement different rule-based attribution models.

Marketing ChannelInteraction #Date of VisitUser IdConv. Id
Organic Search1May 22, 2023Luka123
Paid Search2Jun 3, 2023Luka123
Paid Search3Jun 3, 2023Luka123
Organic Search4Jun 4, 2023Luka123
Email5 (conversion)Jun 5, 2023Luka123
Direct1Jun 2, 2023Charles124
Organic Search2 (conversion)Jun 4, 2023Charles124

The interaction number starts from 1 with a first interaction within the 30-day lookback window (more in “About the Lookback Window) from the conversion date. Each line is associated with the corresponding conversion that users’ sessions lead to.

Base Query

To make our lives easier, we will replicate the table above using the GA4 export with a few additional “helper” fields and then build different attribution modeling algorithms on top of it.

WITH conversions AS 
      (SELECT value.int_value FROM unnest(event_params) WHERE key = "ga_session_id") as ga_session_id,
      timestamp_micros(min(event_timestamp)) as session_start_timestamp,
      sum(ecommerce.purchase_revenue) as revenue,
      max(ecommerce.transaction_id) as transaction_id
    FROM `analytics_1234.events_*` 
    WHERE event_name = "purchase" AND _table_suffix BETWEEN "20230710" AND "20230716"
    GROUP BY 1,2

(SELECT user_pseudo_id, ga_session_id, IF(gclid is not null, "cpc", medium) medium, min(session_start_timestamp) session_start_timestamp FROM 
    (SELECT  user_pseudo_id,  
      (SELECT value.int_value FROM unnest(event_params) WHERE key = 'ga_session_id') as ga_session_id,  
      first_value(collected_traffic_source.manual_medium)  OVER (PARTITION BY user_pseudo_id, (SELECT value.int_value FROM unnest(event_params) WHERE key = 'ga_session_id') ORDER BY event_timestamp) as medium,
      first_value(collected_traffic_source.gclid)  OVER (PARTITION BY user_pseudo_id, (SELECT value.int_value FROM unnest(event_params) WHERE key = 'ga_session_id') ORDER BY event_timestamp) as gclid,
      timestamp_micros(event_timestamp) as session_start_timestamp
      FROM `analytics_1234.events_20230723` WHERE event_name NOT IN ("session_start", "first_visit")) 
      GROUP BY 1,2,3

precedingSessions AS 
(SELECT DISTINCT user_pseudo_id, old_ga_session_id, IF(gclid is not null, "cpc", old_medium) old_medium  FROM 
    (SELECT  user_pseudo_id,  
      (SELECT value.int_value FROM unnest(event_params) WHERE key = 'ga_session_id') as old_ga_session_id,  
      first_value(collected_traffic_source.manual_medium)  OVER (PARTITION BY user_pseudo_id, (SELECT value.int_value FROM unnest(event_params) WHERE key = 'ga_session_id') ORDER BY event_timestamp) as old_medium,
      first_value(collected_traffic_source.gclid)  OVER (PARTITION BY user_pseudo_id, (SELECT value.int_value FROM unnest(event_params) WHERE key = 'ga_session_id') ORDER BY event_timestamp) as gclid
      FROM `analytics_1234.events_*` WHERE event_name NOT IN ("session_start", "first_visit") AND _table_suffix BETWEEN "20230501" AND "20230723")

interactions AS (
  SELECT  user_pseudo_id, ga_session_id, if(medium is null, (SELECT old_medium FROM unnest(old_sessions) WHERE old_medium is not null ORDER BY old_ga_session_id DESC LIMIT 1 ) ,medium) as medium,session_start_timestamp FROM (
    SELECT user_pseudo_id, ga_session_id, medium, session_start_timestamp, ARRAY_AGG(struct(old_ga_session_id, old_medium)) as old_sessions FROM 
      WHERE old_ga_session_id <= ga_session_id
      GROUP BY 1,2,3,4)

  base AS (
    SELECT interactions,  conversions.session_start_timestamp as conversion_timestamp, conversions.revenue, conversions.transaction_id,
      count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY conversions.transaction_id) as totalInteractions,
      ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY conversions.transaction_id ORDER BY interactions.session_start_timestamp) interactionNumber,
      ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY  conversions.transaction_id  ORDER BY interactions.session_start_timestamp DESC) interactionNumber_DESC,
      USING (user_pseudo_id)
    WHERE interactions.session_start_timestamp <= conversions.session_start_timestamp AND interactions.session_start_timestamp > TIMESTAMP_SUB(conversions.session_start_timestamp, INTERVAL 30 DAY)

*Getting traffic source information in the GA4 export to match that in the UI is not a straightforward process. I will dive into the steps to get as close as possible in a future blog post.

The output includes a 30-day window of historical sessions for each transaction by the user. Each row also has information about the session id, medium, session start time, revenue (of the eventual conversion), transaction id, interaction number and interaction number in descending order.

About the Lookback Window

When dealing with attribution, you should always determine a lookback window, which can differ from business to business. A lookback window will limit the interactions to only those that happened in a certain time period before the conversion (30-day window).

Just as with everything else BigQuery allows you to completely customize this aspect as well. So instead of setting it to a static 30 days, why not use a dynamic lookback window such as:

  • maximum time between two interactions – if they visited 32,31 and 30 days ago, why would the interaction 30 days ago take credit, but the other two not?
  • different length based on the time of the year – maybe you are running a seasonal business, and users aren’t even able to convert certain times of the year?
  • different length based on a product – it takes a lot longer to buy a car than to buy a deodorant, why treat them the same?

Last-touch Attribution Model

The last-touch attribution model is arguably the easiest one, the whole value of a conversion is accredited to the last interaction from the user. Even though the sample table has 4 marketing channels that led users to convert, Email and Organic Search would each take full credit for conversions of their respective users (Luka and Charles)

Paid Search = 0
Direct = 0
Email = 1
Organic Search = 1

Using our base query this is a pretty simple problem to solve, all we have to do is limit ourselves to last interaction or interactionNumber_desc=1.

  interactions.medium, sum(revenue) as revenue, count(distinct transaction_id) as conversions 
FROM base 
WHERE interactionNumber_desc=1 

If we were dealing with the last-touch attribution model alone, we could’ve skipped the base query and simply look at the medium at the time of conversion.

First-touch Attribution Model

The first-touch attribution model credits the whole conversion to the first interaction in the lookback window before the transaction occurred. If a user has a single interaction, or all interactions come from the same medium (or dimension of your choice) it will attribute values identical to last-touch attribution. First-touch attribution can be thought of as a “discovery” – what brought a user to the site?

In our “Sample Session Table” Direct and Organic Search would each get a credit.

Paid Search = 0
Direct = 1
Email = 0
Organic Search = 1

Compared to the last-touch attribution we can simply switch the interactionNumber_desc to interactionNumber = 1 looking at only user’s first interactions.

  interactions.medium, sum(revenue) as revenue, count(distinct transaction_id) as conversions 
FROM base 
WHERE interactionNumber=1 

Linear Attribution Model

The linear attribution model treats all the touchpoints equally; if there were 5 interactions leading to a transaction, each interaction would take 1/5 or 20% of the credit.

In our Sample Session Table above, each interaction from the transaction 123 gets 20% and each interaction from 1234 gets 50% of its credit.

Paid Search = 0.4 (0.2 + 0.2)
Direct = 0.5
Email = 0.2
Organic Search = 0.9 = 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.5

Make sure to check your algorithm once the rules become a bit more complex. The total credit assigned should always match across all algorithms and sum up to the total of the metric you’re tracking.

To implement this, we will simply divide the interactions of each transaction by the total number of interactions in each session (totalInteractions).

  sum(revenue/totalInteractions) as revenue, 
   sum(1/totalInteractions) as conversions 
WHERE revenue is not null 

Position-Based Attribution Model (40-20-40)

Position-based is one of the most commonly used models among marketers. You could say that it’s quite fair to credit 40% of the conversion to the first (discovery) interaction, and 40% to the last (converting) interaction. Interactions in the middle divide the remaining 20% equally. In the two edge cases without “middle” interactions, a single interaction conversion will assume 100% of the credit and when a conversion consists of two interactions, each will assume 50% of the credit.

In our Sample Session Table above, interactions from transaction id 123 get 40% for the first and last and 20/3 = 6.67% for each in the middle. Because the second transaction only has 2 interactions, each gets 50%.

Paid Search = 0.133 = 0.067 + 0.067
Direct = 0.5
Email = 0.4
Organic Search = 0.967 = 0.4 + 0.067 + 0.5

When turning the algorithm into SQL we simply add a positionShare field, which calculates the position attribution share for each interaction based on the rules described above.

  interactions.medium, sum(revenue*positionShare) as revenue, sum(1*positionShare) as conversions 
    WHEN totalInteractions = 1 THEN 1
    WHEN totalInteractions = 2 THEN 0.5
    WHEN interactionNumber = 1 THEN 0.4
    WHEN interactionNumber_Desc = 1 THEN 0.4
 END as positionShare
  FROM  base)
WHERE revenue is not null 

Decay Attribution Model (7-day halving)

The decay attribution model builds on the theory that the older the interaction is, the less important it becomes. In our case, we will say that the importance of interaction drops by half every seven days.

If each interaction on the day of the conversion is worth x, then a conversion that happened two days earlier (in our sample transaction id 124) would be worth x*0.5^(days_ago/7) = 0.82*x. Meaning the most recent interaction would be worth 1/1.82*1 = 0.55 and the first interaction would be worth 1/1.82*0.82 = 0.45.

For transaction 123 we follow the same formula: 1 + 0.5^(1/7) + 0.5^(2/7) + 0.5^(2/7) + 0.5^(14/7) = 3.796, which makes the interactions’ share (most recent to least) worth 0.26 (1/3.796), 0.24, 0.215, 0.215, 0.07 for a total of 1.

Paid Search = 0.24
Direct = 0.55
Email = 0.285 = 0.215 + 0.07
Organic Search = 0.925 = 0.26 + 0.45 + 0.215

When turning the above algorithm to SQL, I used minutes instead of days to add a bit of precision. First, we calculate the absolute decay values using the following formula “POW(0.5, (TIMESTAMP_DIFF(conversion_timestamp, interactions.session_start_timestamp, MINUTE)/(7*24*60))) decayShare_PN” in the outer query we then normalize decay values to sum up to one for each transaction and then use those shares on conversions and revenue.

SELECT interactions.medium, sum(revenue*decayShare) as revenue, sum(1*decayShare) as conversions  FROM (
    *, decayShare_PN/sum(decayShare_PN) OVER (PARTITION BY transaction_id) decayShare
  (SELECT *,
    POW(0.5, (TIMESTAMP_DIFF(conversion_timestamp, interactions.session_start_timestamp, MINUTE)/(7*24*60))) decayShare_PN
    FROM  base)
  WHERE revenue is not null 

Final Results and Thoughts

Last TouchFirst TouchLinearPositionDecay
Paid Search000.40.1330.24
Organic Search110.90.9670.925

As you can see the differences between attribution models can be quite significant, often the best approach is to consider multiple and try to figure out what the combination of models may be telling you. Most often, you will see channels like email performing far better in the lower end of the funnel favorited by last touch attribution. But to get to an email channel, users usually have to sign up for newsletters, register, etc. To get there, they need to discover your site (the upper funnel) via a different channel, such as Organic Search.

A common practice is that a team responsible for a marketing channel will pick the model that represents them in the best light. In the majority of cases, an email marketer will look a lot better using last-touch vs. a first-touch attribution mode, whereas the situation may be the opposite for your SEO specialist.

There is no right or wrong attribution model, but there definitely are right and wrong interpretations of their outputs. Even with many different approaches, the rule-based attribution models are just the start of the world of conversion credits. Adding machine learning, data-driven attribution, path analysis, MMM, Markov chain attribution, and other approaches only makes things more interesting and complex, but may bring you closer to finding that perfectly fair revenue distribution across your channels.

The complete code is available on Adswerve’s GitHub.

More GA4 BigQuery Tips from Luka:

At Adswerve, we offer a range of services to help you get the most out of BigQuery and GA4. Reach out to learn more!