
Five Ways Data Studio Simplifies Data Visualization

June 23, 2020

Have you attended our Analytics Bootcamp sessions? If you missed the first two you can read our recaps, which cover Google Tag Manager and App + Web and Google Optimize. And if you couldn’t attend our third session, read on for a summary.

In our Analytics Bootcamp series, Adswerve Head of Innovation Charles Farina shares what you need to know to get the most out of your analytics. During the third session, he covered Data Studio, an easy-to-use data visualization tool.

Data Studio Overview

Data Studio is a data visualization tool that takes the complexity out of building and sharing dashboards. Functioning more like Google Docs than Google Analytics, it allows you to share, collaborate and edit reports with multiple team members, and offers maximum organizational and branding flexibility. Here are the top five ways Data studio simplifies actionable and shareable reporting.

  1. Collaboration
    With Data Studio, multiple users can collaborate in real-time for all-hands-on-deck reporting work sessions. Once your reports and dashboards are ready to share, you can simply enter names and email addresses to allow view or edit access, much like you would in Google Docs.
  2. Data Source Management
    Data Studio allows you to add multiple data sources without authentication, saving you time and streamlining your workflow. You can also edit dimensions, metrics and data source names, types, aggregations and descriptions, and add and modify calculations.
  3. Data & Filter Control Features
    You need maximum flexibility when it comes to dashboards. Data controls allow for certain connectors including Google Analytics to change across your different accounts through a drop-down menu. Filter controls allow the report viewers to interact with different data elements that can change your entire report for just the element(s) selected. Data Studio makes it easy to compare data to a previous period or year without having to implement complicated formulas or custom calculations. There are multiple date range options such as ‘Last 7 days’, ‘Last 14 days’ and more. 
  4. Google Analytics Integration
    Built by Google, Data Studio seamlessly integrates with Google Analytics. The schema and the hundreds of dimensions and metrics available are mapped automatically. If you enabled your media integrations with Google Ads, Search Ads 360, Campaign Manager or Display & Video 360, all of that data will also be available. Our favorite feature is easy access to your Advanced Segments, which gives you the ability to create really powerful dashboards and reports.
  5. Easy to Learn and Use
    Because Data Studio was designed for ease of use, it’s not as complex as other data visualization tools and offers a shorter learning curve. Its interface lets you drag and drop, giving you user management, data source management and date features you can quickly control. We’ve heard from clients that they were able to quickly create reports after short training sessions or videos. Our quickstart tutorial video offers a walkthrough of how to use Data Studio so take a look if you’re ready to dive in.

Interested in learning more about Data Studio? Google offers several resources to help you get started. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact us.

Analytics Bootcamp – Coming July 14th, 2020!

Want hands-on experience using Data Studio and other free Google Analytics platforms? Charles is hosting a second interactive Analytics Bootcamp series covering App + Web, Tag Manager, Optimize and Data Studio starting on July 14th. Stay tuned to this page for more information and to register.