
Analytics Pros at Google Cloud Next ’17

March 15, 2017

We are very excited to share our favorite updates from the Google Cloud Next ’17 conference last week! If you did not tune in to the live keynotes you can scan through the 100 announcements for all the details. We sent a significant amount of our team to Next, and Analytics Pros’ own Jeremy Echols presented a session about Data Studio and Google Sheets. We handpicked the updates that will have the most impact for our clients.

Key Announcements

BigQuery Data Transfer Services – We have been using the transfer service for Google Analytics 360 and are very excited about being able to bring all the other Google services including AdWords, DoubleClick, and YouTube directly into BigQuery. This will allow us to combine digital data and experiences with all of your other datasets such as transactional, CRM, social and more. We can easily connect all of these services through Data Studio to show the 360 view of our customer and marketing efforts.

Cloud Video Intelligence – Google Cloud already has a series of Machine Learning APIs that you can use today for speech recognition, image analysis, and translations. At Google Cloud Next they unveiled the newest addition, which is the Cloud Video Intelligence API. Why is this powerful? Think about all the videos you have saved on your phone. If you wanted to quickly find all the clips where you were on the beach, that would involve scrolling through all your media. The Video Intelligence API will go through every moment of your videos to catalog all the metadata and content of that video. It returns timestamps of every moment which would mean, if you ran your videos through this API, you could simply click timestamps and be taken to the exact video and moment something happened. So cool! Best of all you can try out this API now:

Pricing – Everyone loves saving money, so they can invest more in their team and services. Google announced price cuts to Compute Engine, added Committed Use Discounts, and even extended their free trials to 12 months.

Infrastructure – Google Cloud is rolling out new data center regions to California, Montreal and Netherlands. Unlike other Cloud providers Google owns end-to-end distribution, as they own all the fibre and hardware, ensuring unprecedented security.

G Suite Updates – We are huge users of G Suite! We are excited about the upcoming improvements to Hangouts where they are providing Hangouts Meet as a new meeting experience. They are also going after Slack with their addition of Hangouts Chat. And how about Digital Whiteboards? Meet Jamboard.

Make Your Data Work For You: Master Dashboards with Data Studio and Sheets

You can find all of the recordings from Google Cloud Next here. We wanted to call out one in particular. Jeremy Echols, Lead Digital Analyst, from Analytics Pros joined the following speakers from Google and Whirlpool to share our approach for using Google Sheets and Data Studio to connect data throughout the organization.